Prambanan Temple
Map of Yogyakarta
Kalasan Temple

Sewu Temple
Plaosan Temple
King Boko's Palace

Sari Temple
Banyu Nibo Temple
Sambisari Temple

Sonobudoyo Museum
Affandi Museum
Diponegoro Museum
Perjuangan Museum
Biologi Museum
Dirgantara Museum
Jend. Sudirman-Museum
Benteng Vredeburg

Ngayogyokarto- Hadiningrat
Monument 11 Maret
Gedung Agung
Masjid Agung

Imogiri Royal-

Kota Gede Royal-

Kiskendo Cave
Merapi Volcano



Krakal Beach
Kids Fun Parks


Yogyakarta is famous as one of the main tourist destinations in Indonesia. A great number of officials, including country leaders, and tourists have already visited Yogyakarta. Whenever one mentions Yogyakarta, the idea of various tourist attractions will come to his mind; The great Sultan's Palace, Parangtritis Beach, Borobudur and Prambanan Temples, Merapi Volcano as well as the performing arts like Ramayana Ballet and Wayang Kulit.

The cultural colour of Yogyakarta is still obvious because of the temples, traditional buildings, various cultural activities, and a number of famous artists. This is accentuated by the presence of living tradition and everyday life of Yogyakarta community which is art loving and hospitable.

Yogyakarta is ready to host more visitors who are eager to enjoy its enchanting nature and culture by providing tourist facilities, attractions, guides, and other services. Your visit to Yogyakarta will be welcomed warmly.

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